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Monthly Program Chart

JanuaryNew BeginningThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
FebruaryMy Head Is Not For SacrificeThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
MarchThe Wall Of Jericho Must FallThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
AprilWater Pass WaterThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
MayThis Burial Must Not HoldThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
JuneMy Background Can Not Stop MeThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
JulyMy King Uzziah Must DieThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
AugustMy Destiny Is Not For SaleThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
SeptemberThis Pregnancy Is Over DueThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
OctoberMy Enemies Must SurrenderThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
NovemberNovember To RememberThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)
DecemberO'Lord Give Me My WagesThird Week of the Month (Wednesday to Thursday)

About the Church

Lions Kingdom Assembly was founded on 16th October, 2016. The primary mandate is to preach the Gospel to win souls for our Lord Jesus Christ and set the captives of Satan free through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.



Weekly Activities

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